How to remove pimples naturally and permanently in one day at home

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently in one day at home

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How to stop pimples coming on face naturally at home

Why pimples appear on the face and how we can control acne on the face at home, Muhammad Hassan will answer all these questions in this article today.
Many of you may not know how a pimple is formed. There are small pores on our face from which sweat is released. In these pores, there are sebaceous glands that keep releasing a small amount of sebum to protect our face from dryness, which does not dry our skin, but sometimes our dead skin cells get stuck in the pores on our face and therefore the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands does not come out and it becomes a pimple on our face.

White pus pimples on face treatment home remedies

 First of all, how pimples on the face turn into acne The first stage of acne is the whitehead and blackhead found on our face, also known as comedones.  If these comedones are not removed with the help of steam and comedone extractor, they turn red and this is the second stage of acne.  After that, these red bumps get filled with pus and they get bigger in size.
 Acne can be easily prevented if we control it in its early stages.

Can acne go all over your body?

Now it comes to the places where pimples can appear on our body, usually pimples appear on your face, shoulders and back.
 Now comes the question why acne occurs and what are its causes.
 There are many causes of acne I will tell you some of the reasons that most people get acne.
 Most people also have acne in heredity because If your parents had acne in their teensage, you will have too, and if neither of your parents had acne while an uncle or cousin in your family also had acne, you may have acne on your face.  There are possibilities to come.
 Apart from this, changes in hormones are also a major cause of acne. Most of the boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18 go through a lot of hormonal changes in their bodies and this has a great impact on their acne glands.  Due to which pimples appear on their face.
 Similarly, the things we eat can also cause acne.
 For example, some people get pimples on their face after eating chocolate, while some people get problems like acne after eating too much oily food like fries, pizza etc.
 Another major cause of acne is stress, which is common in many people.  One thing you must have noticed is that when the exams are near, our kids start getting pimples on their face because they are stressed due to the exams.
 There are many other causes of acne but these are the most common causes of acne.

Home remedies for acne scars and dark spots on face

You can contact a dermatologist to get rid of acne, but acne treatments are quite expensive which not everyone can afford, so I will tell you some methods that you can use at home.  You can get rid of acne and pimple marks at low cost.
1= You have to take about 5 to 6 basil leaves which you can easily get from any home.
Then you have to smash these leaves in a Grinder and add 5 spoons of water to make a paste of it.
Tulsi leaves have properties that will help you get rid of acne and scars from your face.
You have to refrigerate this water for half an hour and then you have to get fresh aloe vera from somewhere, you can easily find it in your house or in a friend or neighbor's house.
  • 5 to 6 Basil Leaf's
  • One Spoon Aloe Vera Gel
  • One Spoon of Besan
You have to take about one spoon of aloe vera gel and add one spoon of besan to it and then mix it well.
After that you have to wash your face well and apply the paste made by mixing aloe vera and besan on your face and leave it on for fifteen minutes.
After fifteen minutes wash your face with cold water.
Now apply the water you made from the basil leaves on your face on all the spots where there are scars.
You will see the result within three days.
2= Apart from basil and aloe vera
 Another way to get rid of acne is to put two spoons of raw milk in a bowl, then add one spoon of turmeric and then add one quarter spoon of honey and mix all these things.  After that, you have to add a quarter spoon of lemon juice and mix it. Lemon juice is optional, if you don't add it, there is no problem.
  • 2 Spoon of Raw Milk
  • 1 Spoon of Turmeric Powder
  • 1/4 Spoon of honey
  • 1/4 Lemon juice (optional)
 You have to apply this paste once or twice a day, leave this paste on your face for at least fifteen minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.  Pimples will disappear.
3= This is the method I use myself to remove acne and blemishes on the face. First you wash your face, then you pour some water in a pot and heat it.  Heat to a normal level that your skin can tolerate the heat of the steam.
 After that, you have to put a towel on your head and take the  steam of water for four to five minutes, this will open the pores on your face.
 After that, wipe the face with the same towel that you used during steaming.
 After that you have to take a cotton ball and apply rose water on it and you have to clean your face with this cotton ball.
 Rose water is a natural cleanser and keeps your face fresh.
 After that you have to apply a little aloe vera gel on your face and massage it with soft hands for four minutes.
 Aloe Vera is a natural healing agent and is very beneficial for our skin.
  Now you have to take a bowl and add half spoon of Multani soil, half spoon of turmeric, half spoon of honey and one spoon of rose water in it.
 And mix all these things for one minute.
 After that you have to apply this paste on your face for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with normal cold water.
  • Rose Water 2 Spoon
  • Cotton Ball
  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Multani soil half Spoon
  • Turmeric Powder half Spoon
  • half Spoon of Honey
 So guys, these are all the ways you can control your acne at home without spending much.
 If you have any question in your mind or in your heart, you must comment in the below comment box.
 I will try my best to reply you as soon as possible till then take care bye.

: Public Question & Answer :
Why does my face get pimples so easily?

People who get pimples very quickly either have a hereditary problem with pimples or hormonal changes in their body that cause pimples to come out very quickly. And people who work in hot and dusty areas are more prone to pimples. Because due to heat, the pores on our face open up to allow sweat to escape and at the same time, dust gets into these pores due to which pimples are formed.

Which fruits are good for acne?

I am going to tell you ten fruits that will get rid of acne and also bring glow to your face and also get rid of pimple marks. Avocado Strawberry Apple Grape Kiwi Pineapple Orange Blueberries Mango Watermelon All these fruits have the ability to eliminate acne so eat one of them in your daily life.

How to remove dark spots caused by pimples overnight at home?

You have to wash your face well before going to bed and then apply aloe vera on the black spot areas and massage with light hand and go to sleep and then wake up in the morning and wash your face. you must have potatoes in your house. You have to cut a little potato and massage it on your face. Potatoes have properties that lighten the color of the spots on the face. And so by using this method daily, your scars will disappear.

What are the benefits of acne?

It has been observed in a scientific study that people who have acne have longer telomeres, due to which their skin aging process slows down and the problems of heart disease are also reduced. All this information is according to a research conducted in UK.


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