How to remove pimples from back and shoulders

How to remove pimples from back and shoulders

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How to remove pimples from back and shoulders

So friends, what's up, today's topic is on why pimples appear on the back and how to prevent them.

Why is my back breaking out all of a sudden and itchy?

First of all let us know the causes of back acne.
  1. Some people have very oily skin, due to which their sebaceous glands produce excess sebum, which can cause acne on the back.
  2. Some people already have a lot of heat in their body and when they sleep on a mattress or sofa, the heat from the sofa and mattress causes rashes on their backs.
  3. Similarly, many people have hormonal problems and  This also causes acne.
  4. Some people also have the issue that the fabric they wear does not suit them, which leads to body acne.
  5. Applying conditioner at the end of bathing can also cause acne on the back because when we apply the conditioner at the end, it goes all the way down from the back and doesn't wash off properly and that can cause back acne.
  6. Acne can occur even after hair waxing.
  7. You have to use a soap or body wash that is fragrance free and non-sticky because some people get acne breakouts from fragrance and some soaps are very sticky and stick to the body and later on causes acne.
  8. Dandruff also causes acne because when the dandruff falls on our shoulders, it clogs the pores on your shoulders leading to acne.
  9. Acne also occurs due to excessive pressure on the back, for example, when we wear a school bag, the school bag rubs on our back, which produces heat, which causes acne on the back.
  10. Some foods also cause acne on the back or other parts of the body, for example, fast foods, pizza, burgers, etc.
I have told you all the reasons that can cause acne on the back, now you have to find out for yourself why you are getting acne on the back.
But don't worry, I will tell you some home remedies that will help you get rid of acne on your back, regardless of the reason.
But you have to follow these few things as well.
  • Do meditation for ten to fifteen minutes daily, it balances the hormonal changes in the body and reduces acne.
  • Drink four to five liters of water daily as it reduces heat in the body and reduces acne.
  • Whenever you have acne, do not do oil massage at all because our pores are already blocked due to sebum, applying more oil will make acne worse.
  • Always take bath with lukewarm water.
  • Constant scratching of  back can also lead to acne.

How to get rid of acne scars on back and shoulders home remedies?

Now let me tell you the first home remedy which will be made very easily.
The first home remedy will be very easy to make as the ingredients used are easily available in every home.
1= You have to take a table spoon of sour curd, generally the curd you get in the market is sweet, you have to keep the curd at room temperature for at least a day, it will add sourness to the curd.
Then you have to add a tablespoon of baking soda to the yogurt. Baking soda will help your acne dry up as quickly as possible.  Another thing that you all have to remember is that you have to take baking soda and not baking powder, there is a big difference between the two things.
After adding baking soda you have to add half a tablespoon of garlic paste and mix it.
Now before taking a bath, apply this home remedy on your back and massage it. you have to keep this paste on your back for 15 minutes.
Take a bath afterwards.
If you feel dryness on your back after bathing, you can apply coconut oil.
You have to use this remedy twice a week, within the first week your back acne will start disappearing and the scars will also disappear completely.

2= Another way to get rid of acne on the back is very effective.  Because the second method consists of two steps.

  • Exfoliation/Scrub
  • Back Acne Routine

You have to mix one tablespoon of coffee and three tablespoons of curd and gently scrub it on your back. You can also scrub your back with the help of a brush.
Leave it on your back for about two minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
You should use the exfoliation method at least two times in a week
By doing exfoliation, the pores in which dead skin cells or dirt accumulate on your body will be cleaned.
Whenever you use the exfoliation method, you should also use a back acne pack afterwards.
You can easily make a back acne pack at home. You have to put about four to five neem leaves in a cup of water and keep it for an hour.
You have to separate the neem leaves from the cup after an hour and separate the water that will be there. The water that we have separated has Anti Bacterial Properties of Neem leaves.
You have to add two spoons of tomato juice to the neem leaves water. Tomato juice contains vitamin C which will remove acne scars.
Then you have to add one spoon of besan to the mixture of tomato juice and neem leaves water and mix it. You have to apply this back acne pack on your back and leave it to dry for fifteen minutes.
After 15 minutes you have to take a bath with cold water. You will start seeing the effect of this back acne pack very quickly as it will start to fade your acne and acne scars within the first week.  .
You have to use this back acne pack only once a week.


So guys, by following these two methods and what I have told you, you can get rid of your back acne in just one week.
If you have any question related to today's topic or any other question then you must comment in the given comment box.
I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

:Some Questions 🤔 Answers 🧐:

What oil is good for back acne?

These are the names of some oils that help in getting rid of back acne and acne scars on the back. Tea Tree Oil This is a very special type of oil that has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which this oil reduces the inflammation of pimples by eliminating the acne-causing bacteria present on the back. Rosehip oil This oil is rich in Vitamin A and C hence this oil removes acne scars and also reduces acne on back.

Can Multani Mitti remove back acne?

Yes, Multani mitti can remove back acne easily because Multani mitti has absorbent and detoxifying properties and therefore Multani mitti removes excess oil, dead skin cells and dirt from our skin.

What foods cause spots on back?

There are many types of foods that can produce back acne. But different people get acne due to different foods. The following are all types of foods that cause acne in different people. Fast food Dairy Products Spicy Foods Sugar Drinks and Foods etc...

How do you get rid of back acne naturally?

We can get rid of back acne naturally by following these four things. Wash your back daily. If your skin is too oily, stay away from oil massage. Maintain your diet. Do not overburden the back.


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